Faith · Family · Grace

Word for 2016: Whitespace

I yearn for more time with God.  I complain about not having enough hours in a day, but I spend more time filling spaces on my calendar than I do sitting down to reflect on what matters – love, life, family, Jesus.

This year went by much too quickly. I created most of that chaos by constantly being on the go. A whitespace on my calendar screamed out to be filled in with, you name it: bible studies, unnecessary trips to the supermarket, extra writers group meetings, volunteering at church, cleaning to the point of exhaustion, new projects, and the list can go on.

I bet you have a list too!

As 2015 comes to a close, I have spent the last couple of months praying over a word to illustrate the theme of my upcoming year. I don’t want to live in the hustle of last year’s game. I want to slow down to where God and my family need me. My word for 2016 is


I tossed around rest and home, but nothing was more urgent in my readings, writings, and home life than was whitespace. This word spoke to me because my biggest challenge will be NOT to fill empty spaces on my calendar with chores, meetings, to do’s, etc.

God is calling me into His space. His whitespace. Nothing is more urgent than that.

Here are three steps I will take to create more whitespace:

  1. Be quiet

God has a lot to say. I’m sure of it. Stepping away from all electronic devices for one day a week will definitely be a challenge, but it’s one that is promising if it allows more time with the Most High.

2.  Don’t fill in

Resist the urge to say, “I can’t today, but I have time in a few days.”  The reality is that whitespace is already there because it belongs to God. Don’t fill it in.

3.  Say “No More”

Add zero additional commitments this year. We don’t get a reward at the end of the year to show for our over-committed schedules. Because I’m still waiting on mine!

Do you have a theme or a word for 2016? I’d love to hear what it is and three steps you will take to remain faithful. Let God’s compass navigate you.


After much prayer I picked up the book, “Finding Spiritual Whitespace” by Bonnie Gray.  That was the final assurance that God wanted me to choose whitespace as my word for 2016.  Visit Bonnie’s page at Faith Barista.

Choose your word and linkup with Faith Barista for #onewordcoffee 

Join Bonnie for #onewordcoffee


6 thoughts on “Word for 2016: Whitespace

  1. This is brilliant! I had to chuckle, because the moment I sat admiring my uncluttered calendar for January, my phone started buzzing with opportunities to fill it to the brim. Blessings to you in the new year as you pursue “whitespace” with abandon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love this! My saying for 2016 is Make it Count. I too want to be still and listen for Him, and learning my true purpose. I think I know what it is, but not sure if it my intentions or His. Happy & Blessed 2016 and look forward to your updates and the use of the whitespace!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the idea of “Whitespace” Carolina. Time is precious. My word for 2016–Malleability–allowing the Holy Spirit to shape me into what He sees fit for my life. Love you! –jess

    Liked by 1 person

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